Saturday, May 9, 2009

Collagen Crystal Bionic Eye Mask

6 pieces per box, at only $7!
3 boxes @ $18!
1 piece at $1.80, minimum 2 pieces per order (:
3 pieces @ $4.50!
[ 1 piece = 1 pair of eye masks ]

Effects : Ionic & nutritious serum with 100% collagen and Vitamin B5 can easily and quickly penetrates into skin around the eye, effectively promoting blood circulation, relieving fatigue and removing eye bags as well as dark circles! Pure natural ossein contains plenty of collagen and can effectively repair tired and damaged cells, accelerate the growth of new cells and absorption of nutrients. It removes fish tail lines, eye bags, reduces and prevents fine lines and wrinkles! Cool and calming effect on eyes. Makes eyes shiny and charming :D

*Personally tried and tested! S.O recommended with excellent results.
*Personally checked and brought back from supplier in HK!

- those staying late into the night, lacking in sleep or leading an irregular sleep cycle;
- those who have used eye make up for long periods of time or are using cosmetics improperly;
- with eye bags, fishtails and dark circles.
- eyes feeling tired or strained.
- refreshing and gentle care for everyday use.

Directions of Use: Cleanse the face, attach each eye mask as close to the bottom lid as possible, ensuring it's still comfortable (if it's uncomfortable put it a little further from the bottom lid), for about 20-30 minutes. Remove the mask without necessary washing. Lightly tap the eye area with fingertips to enhance penetration. Safe to wear to sleep, and remove the next morning! Extremely comfortable and refreshing.

Suggested treatment : Use once a day for the first week, 6 times will be one treatment. Subsequently, apply it 2-3 times per week (:

Extremely effective,many returning customers! :D

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